Saturday, May 2, 2009

Please Let Me In

What you should have learned:

1. Those people that you know who are super giving . . . rarely know how to take. Compliments, help, love. . . they just don't seem to feel its right to accept it. Please make a point to tell those givers how much you appreciate them and how much you love them.

2. Friends are fickle! but when you are below the ground, rock bottom, at an all time low. . . the people that are there to help you up, dust you off, and tell you how beautiful you are even with your tear stained face . . . . THOSE people are the ones who love you, even if you don't see them much otherwise.

3. Take time to listen . . . everyone has a story, and they just might say something you needed to hear, or let you know that you are not alone, that someone else has felt how you do now.

4. Alcohal fixes nothing! You don't need to be intoxicated to block out feelings. Feel them, you're stronger for it.

5. What you don't know, you can make mean anything. Don't fear the unknown.

Just some insight from collabrative thinkers in my life.


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