Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ten nine eight

ONE: I am completely and utterly addicted to my phone :( I can't be without it and it depresses me when no one texts me. I know right?

TWO: I always fall for my guy friends, its probably some twisted karma thing that I always get put in the 'friend zone' anyway, but its really true.

THREE: I'm bad at being by myself, I'd rather be shovelling gravel than sitting watching TV alone with my thoughts.

FOUR: I'm far too trusting in the true goodness in people which more often then not crushes my feelings like a blow from the Hulk's fist.

FIVE: I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, and I don't want to grow up really. The only things I know I want are love and kids.

SIX: I don't think anyone has ever loved me and I'm not sure that anyone ever could

SEVEN: Sometimes I look in the mirror and say 'wow, who's that girl?' and think I actually look pretty, then I turn back and see that I was horribly mistaken

EIGHT: I hate my job . . . that's really no secret but I figured I'd throw it in there

NINE: I'd rather have something that hurts more then nothing . . . thats so wrong and masochistic but maybe the pain makes me realize I'm alive

TEN: I often wonder if I'm worth it. . .

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